Wednesday, January 16, 2013

I Love You Mom

The Valentines Season is fast approaching. Some are sad because they don't have a date or Valentino. Some are wary what to give their lovers this Valentines Day. For latter, worry not cause flowers says it all (wink).

Let this blog be about those who worry who to date this Valentines Day.
Well, we always have thought that this should be for lovers only, eerrr no gender please, don't want to be subject to controversy.

Anyway, during this season of love, we must also remember our mother who have loved us on & off Valentines Season. They will always be our mothers even if we become mother ourselves.

Our grandparents who have spoiled us since we were young with chocolates, ice cream & their love & affection.

Our friends who have been there for us when we need someone to listen to our blabber after a heart break, to watch movies with us, have coffee with & talk the night away with our dreams & aspirations.

Send them flowers this Valentines to show you remembered & appreciated their love.
If you are near, its also better to visit them or treat them for dinner.
This way, while they are still with us, we have spent time with them & we will cherish these moments when life gets busy again.

Spread the love!

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