Saturday, January 26, 2013

Tips for Brides on Your Wedding Day

One of our first clients referred us to his officemate who is getting married. As informed, they are interested in getting our flower wedding package with coordination just like them.

To make the long story short they availed of our wedding coordination services and add-ons like packed lunch during the wedding day preparation. Yes, on the wedding day when the bride gets ready, hair and make-up and photo shoot with the entourage everyone has to eat too. Let's not forget the groom too; he also gets himself prepped up for his big day & yes he has to eat too. :)

Let me share part & parcel what transpired today since I just came home from another successful event! Kudos to my partner and the team! Cheers!
So we started the day, (not as the groom and bride) but as the wedding coordinators, at around eight in the morning we went to the hotel to check the bride and her entourage.

Here are some tips for the BRIDE to do on her wedding day.


1.       Take a moment of prayer.
No matter how you prepared for your big day, nothing beats the comfort of knowing that He will be with you and your soon (yes soon as in a in a few hours) to be husband and your family & friends who will be celebrating with you on that day. He is in control of everything.

2.       Have breakfast.
Normally, brides get conscious with their figure particularly for the tummy, but having breakfast doesn’t mean eating the whole bowl, it means getting yourself filled with food that will sustain you for the rest of the day.
You wake up early in the morning for an afternoon wedding and a dinner party right? So it’s going to be a long day indeed! Have a hearty breakfast.

3.       Smile, smile, smile and just be happy.
Don’t fret on the small stuff. Remember you have your wedding coordinator/ planner to do that for you. On that day they are the extension of you, as the bride and groom. They will ensure to put that smile on your pretty face.

4.       Have fun with the preparation, feel beautiful.
It is advisable that you do your trial hair and make-up with your make-up artist so you feel comfortable on your wedding day. You can actually feel beautiful instead of worrying if she puts on the right eye color or your cheek bones looks so cheeky or by the time you opened your eyes you have two sets of eye brows.

TIP 1: Schedule your trial make up on your pre-nuptial shoot or save the day shoot. If you like it then well & good, you have saved a few hundred. If not, then it saves you your wedding day look.

TIP 2: Face structure must be considered in doing your hair do. So your hair and make-up artist must know these things.

5.       Enjoy your pictorial, pose, emote and give that happy face for the photographer to shoot and shoot and shoot and shoot...
Remember, you paid your photographer and videographer, let them work, give them moments to capture. Smile, emotion, look for those cameras to keep on clicking!

6.       Inform your wedding coordinator or wedding planner immediately if you forgot something and forget about it.
Yes, worrying does not help at all. Since you trust your wedding coordinator as the extension of yourself on your big day, let them do the worrying. It is their job to make it happen for you. Yes, make it happen but not the impossible ones right? No need to discuss further, you are a sensible person to begin with... :) 
Speaking of trust, it is one of the main factors you must look when hiring a wedding coordinator. If they are referred by your friend then that’s one item off the list. What you can do is check them for reviews online as well. Trust your gut too.

7.       Walk regally down the aisle with your most beautiful smile.
Feel the moment! Yes you gonna walk down the aisle only once in that beautiful wedding gown so own it, it is your moment.

8.       Let loose and enjoy the party
     The first dance, the first meal, the first of everything as husband & wife.
     So cherishes the moment and enjoy your party. 
9.       Most importantly say your Thank You.
Say your thank you's to your parents, friends, guests, suppliers who extended their love & support, time & help to make this day the most memorable day of your life! You can say it on your thank you speech.

Or you can also read a thank you letter to your parents during the reception program.

You can give your parents a rose or her favorite flower to honor them for raising you & making you who you are today.
And when all is done & you are now enjoying your moment as husbands & wife say your thank you to each other & whisper a prayer once again.

More tips will be shared in the FB page & to be featured in this blog.

Going back to the story, there were problems along the way.  By the way, these things should not be known to the couple in a way that will trouble them. What we did was made sure that we informed them with the solution already in place.

This way they are assured that it is already taken care of.

Watch out for blog posts on Common Issues Encountered During the Wedding Day & How To Address them.

At the end of the day, all went well & we wish them a happily ever after.
And to end, let me share that this wedding has the most heartfelt thank you to his parents. After saying his exact words of "... thank you, it is because of you that I am who I am today." he paused, turned his back, gave the microphone to his wife, get a drink & stayed for a while to compose himself.

With this thank you for your time. I hope you enjoyed reading & we have been of help as well.


Valentines day is coming soon.
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