Wednesday, January 23, 2013

14 Ways to Say I Love You Without Actually Saying It- Part 2

Can't say it but will do it?

Let's recap the first 7 Ways to Say I Love You Without Actually Saying it
1. Know her favorite flower. 
2. Give her an a foot rub. 
3. Pick her up at the airport, bus terminal or even from work even if you don’t have a car.
4. When she blabbers about her friends issue on love listen and give the male’s perspective. 
5. Pick up tampons from the grocery store. 
6.  Prepare food for her when she’s sick.
7. Sit with her and watch Dear John

Check the complete article here or 

Now, let’s continue

8. Show interest in her job and hobbies, even though they aren't things that normally would intrigue you.

Yes, nothing beats presence or attention. This for me screams I LOVE YOU! 

9. Do the manly-man or girly-girl thing.

For men, washing her car & filling it with gas says I Love You.

For women, taking him to a game or concert of his fave band, car show or fave movie is a great way to show you want to be with him. 

10. Make your loved one laugh.

Genuine laughter exhibits happiness & we want our loved ones to be happy.

Be playful & lighthearted it helps make a difficult phase of your life easy to breeze along too. 

11. Give handmade gifts.

It doesn’t have to be his or her birthday, small surprises & effort like this takes her heart away.
12. Give a tight hug.

Hug speaks a thousand words. It soothes the soul & lightens up a tiring day.

13. Practice unconditional love.

Avoid taking a transactional view of love. Be patient if the person doesn't "do it back". It may take some time for him/her to recognize that you're expressing love. But they will. Be patient.

14. Do something he or she hates to do.

We all have things in our lives that we dislike doing.
Washing the dishes or picking up the fallen hairs on the bathroom drainage speaks volume. Know what ticks her off & lick it off to make her smile.

We know there are other items shouts I LOVE YOU.

For the meantime, hope this helps you express love to your partner if you can't say it.
Still nothing beats if you say it & when you say it, mean it.


If you can't say it, show it, do it with Happy Blooms Boutique

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Don't forget if you can't say it, then do it with  Happy Blooms Boutique

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