Wednesday, February 6, 2013

What to Wear to My Own Wedding?

When you buy your shoes, what is that something or x-factor that makes you say; “I'm getting this!”?

For me I am always looking for comfort.
Is it a perfect fit?
Does the color look good on my feet’s skin tone?
Most importantly is it reasonably priced?

But on your big day, yes, your wedding day; do you follow the same criteria or rule when you buy your wedding shoes?
Or you just go out there and say “I know it when I see it!”?

When it was my turn to find THAT wedding shoes for THE day, I know that I wanted it to be red.

Then it should be comfortable. Definitely comfortable, I would be wearing that for the whole day, walk with it, dance with it, and party with it.

So I was mindlessly checking out the shoe stores whenever I had the chance to go the mall. Not until THE day is fast approaching that I have to grab one. I asked my niece (daughter of my cousin) who is in college to accompany me look for my wedding shoes. Why her? You know kids these days, they are so up to date with  fashion and style and I love her fashion taste with shoes, I know, I love her shoes.

So we spent the whole Sunday afternoon looking around with the goal of buying one. We went from department stores, shoe stores, specialized stores & custom made shoe stores.

Until I found it, it was very simple, very comfortable & the heels won’t kill you! It was just enough to keep my back straight, make me walk a little slower than usual & it was red!

Another thing that made me buy it is the texture. It’s crumpled so I like it because it has a 
lot of character. No satin, shiny or lacey shoes for my wedding day. I think I had it on my gown already. :)

Anyway, since it was too simple I bought it to my couturier and asked them to embellish it.
I had bought my own gems & stones for them to put it in.
They surprised me coz I bought it like a day before I should pick up my wedding gown so I was expecting a simple follow the client’s instruction.
But they gave more that I asked for.
The designer said that when they checked the overall look of the shoes, too much embellishment will actually destroy the already nice texture of the shoes so they just accented it with the same gems & stones they used
on my wedding gown.
Pronto! I have a matching wedding gown & wedding shoes.

Taste varies per bride, it’s not for a wedding, it’s too loud, or what have you. Since it was my wedding, I got to do what I want.
And since it is YOUR wedding, do what you want! Black Wedding Shoes? Hot Pink Wedding Shoes? Purple Wedding Shoes? Neon Wedding Shoes?
Why not?

Here are some unique wedding shoes you might want to take inspiration from.

Mind you it doesn't have to be Christian Louboitin, BUT if you can afford it go for it. I am just an advocate of wise spending. What is wise spending, in a nutshell, if you buy it for a day's use and you and your soon be husband or your whole family will pay for it for the next months then for heaven's sake, think about it. That is why I tell you, get an inspiration from the design. It's not money that makes money, it's applied creativity! So, it's not money that will get you this shoes but applied creativity to have the same look. Then your friends will rave on it. Where did you but that? It looks cool! How much did it cost you? And you are all smiles =)

What something black yet it exudes sweetness, try something like this.


What something girly and sweet but it must stand out?
These hot pink Kate Spade look chic and comfortable.
I saw a similar design with nine west, it was just in satin white, really intended for a traditional wedding shoes.

Turn that simple satin shoes to AWESOME wedding shoes.

Bling it

Want it to be fresh and fun? Bright it up with Yellow

Yellow Wedding Shoes
Feather it Up

Ooppps I don't endorse or intend to but Christian just makes odd color (for wedding shoes) glamourous!
Chritian Louboutin

 Glam it up bride! 
I hope we have boost that confidence to color your wedding, wedding shoes!
Remember to a wise bride!
Enjoy your wedding preparation and have fun looking for that wedding shoes.



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